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Sustainability at Andreas Daub

Sustainability at Andreas Daub

At Andreas Daub, we integrate sustainability and environmental protection into our daily work. We are constantly rethinking and revising processes in order to produce as resource-efficiently as possible. We would like to present a few examples below.

At Andreas Daub, we integrate sustainability and environmental protection into our daily work. We are constantly rethinking and revising processes in order to produce as resource-efficiently as possible. We would like to present a few examples below.


In 2018, we switched our production hall lighting to energy-saving LED lamps. Since then, all other defective light sources have been replaced with LED lamps.

New compressor

We recently put a new compressor into operation for production, which means we can now save approx. 4,500 kw/h per year, which corresponds to approx. 1.9 tonnes of Co². The old compressor is being kept for maintenance work.


At Andreas Daub, we attach great importance to the correct disposal and separation of waste. All waste is handed over to certified waste disposal companies so that we can be sure that the waste is disposed of properly.

Precious metal waste is handed over to certified refineries for recovery and retention in the raw material cycle.

Renaturalisation of company premises

In order to preserve biodiversity and the habitat for many animals and insects on our company premises, we have decided to maintain our premises in such a way that as much nature as possible is preserved.

Water-saving circulation vibratory finishing system

In mid-2023, we invested in a new mass finishing system and put it into operation. With the new system, the water used for the mass finishing system is treated several times, which saves large quantities of fresh water. The treated water can remain in circulation for approx. 1 to 2 months, saving approx. 76,000 litres of water per year compared to the previous system.


In 2018, we switched our production hall lighting to energy-saving LED lamps. Since then, all other defective light sources have been replaced with LED lamps.

New compressor

We recently put a new compressor into operation for production, which means we can now save approx. 4,500 kw/h per year, which corresponds to approx. 1.9 tonnes of Co². The old compressor is being kept for maintenance work.


At Andreas Daub, we attach great importance to the correct disposal and separation of waste. All waste is handed over to certified waste disposal companies so that we can be sure that the waste is disposed of properly.

Precious metal waste is handed over to certified refineries for recovery and retention in the raw material cycle.

Renaturalisation of company premises

In order to preserve biodiversity and the habitat for many animals and insects on our company premises, we have decided to maintain our premises in such a way that as much nature as possible is preserved.

Water-saving circulation vibratory finishing system

In mid-2023, we invested in a new mass finishing system and put it into operation. With the new system, the water used for the mass finishing system is treated several times, which saves large quantities of fresh water. The treated water can remain in circulation for approx. 1 to 2 months, saving approx. 76,000 litres of water per year compared to the previous system.